56d-Reborn : ch-4 : I don’t Wanna Go Hospital

AN HOUR LATER. Inside Square Labs. At Jack’s private cubicle.

“It is a standard device. Every cop has it.” Jack casually informed James.

“And you gave that to your friendly bond, James !” retorted Samantha.

“Oh, don’t worry. I have the clearance and it’s fully secured. I mean, whatever it scans, its logging comes to me. I mean, my lab here,” Jack assured Samantha of no worry.

“Quick. What do you see ? And after it, destroy it.”

“Why do you expect something fishy ? Here it is.”

“I do not see any city gate, not even a single one, in any side of the map.” James inspected the record from Scanker. “Is this an overlay version ?”

“No, I tested it thoroughly. This is it. Moreover, why would a city need gateway, if all one needs to go out of it is, just teleport through a car ?”

“Not if the teleport can be programmed to visit any location, I want.

Jack could not follow James. “You have a menu of cities, travel destinations. Just select and enter. Voila ! You are there.”

“No ! You aren’t getting it. I want to go outside that list.”

“As far as I know, there is no city outside this list. It is a complete list. You can check it yourself, in the Archives.”

“Pchch ! Is there no land, no space between the cities ?” argued James.

“It’s meaningless question because there would be nothing to visit ?”

“Okay. Let me reframe the question. Has there ever been a new city added to this list ? Where was that built ?” James asked persistently.

“I understand your question. Let me place a scanner on the Archives for the birthdates of cities. Meanwhile, have a cup of cold coffee, and calm down.”

“James, can you tell us, what exactly you have in your mind ?” enquired Samantha.

Before James could answer it, Jack’s query found a hit. “Yes, there was. Very recently. A man named Robert Watkins. But he is now in prison.”

“Why ?”

“Apparently, he is declared as a mental maniac, because he wanted to build a city of his own. You know, be a proprietor of a city ! Are you inflicted with the same mania, or do you have some other thoughts ?”

Samantha pulled James to a distance and whispered, “Let’s not dig this further. The prison is a different world for the sick. I don’t want you to live there for the rest of your life.”

“Hey, hey! I can hear it.” Jack joined their talk. “You can confide in me.”

“Okay, if you’re in, tell me where can I find Watkins ?”

“Do you have unwarranted plans ?” suspected Jack.

“I just want to meet him.”

“There’s only one prison in Turtle city. Razor Prison, where all people who cannot be treated at home, are admitted,” informed Samantha.

“Oh ! You mean, hospital,” clarified James.

“What’s a hospital ?” asked confused Samantha.

“Wow ! You are a Shakespearean man,” exclaimed Jack, “I do not know the exact meaning, but do recall its mention in some primitive history books.”

James went on to take out the print of his next meet’s details.

“Does he often use such crazy obsolete words ?” Jack whispered to Samantha.

“I can hear you, Jack,” said James, leaving Jack’s cubicle, “I’m done here. Let’s go.”

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